54 3209.8100
54 9.9695.8869
ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001 is by far the most recognized quality structure in the world, currently being used by over 750 000 organizations in 161 countries, and sets the standard for comprehensive quality management.
The ISO is an important tool for managing production in Sildre.

Environmental Licensing

Respect for the environment is expressed in Sildre in their management policies, in particular the Environmental Permit.
Environmental licensing is an important management tool for Sildre. Thus we aim to reconcile economic development with the use of natural resources.

Pest Control
The Pest Control is the treatment for physical, insecticides or biological means any agent that causes damage to the environment and humans. This ensures service to use compounds that protect productive environments.
Quality Policy
Constantly improve manufacturing processes and support
Meet the needs of customers
Progressively train employees
Get progressively sustainability in our actions
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Contact Us
Sildre Plásticos e Matrizes LTDA Abel Postali, 430
Cep: 95112-255
Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil
Phone: +55 (54) 3209-8100
Fax: 3209-8112
All rights reserved | Sildre | RS | Brasil | By Nigma Digital Agency